International Faculty & Staff

The Office of International Education supports international endeavors of CSUDH faculty members by providing information and support, identifying opportunities, coordinating activities for faculty international development, working with faculty to help internationalize the curriculum, and fostering links with higher educational institutions around the world.

The Office of International Education supports the University’s mission to “Identify, define and encourage a range of meaningful and impactful international experiences for students, faculty and staff.”

Faculty-Led Programs

CSUDH faculty develop and offer varied international learning opportunities for CSUDH students, including study abroad, field study, and travel study programs.  Faculty-led international programs have focused on many issues, ranging from Meso-American Ethnoecology in Chiapas, Mexico, Sociology/Anthropology in Cambodia and Cuba, field study classes in Archaeology, to research projects in Australia, Costa Rica and Ethiopia.

Faculty-led programs (FLPs) are an integral component of CSUDHs strategic plan. FLPs are organized by CSUDH faculty members from various academic fields for 3–8 weeks to different parts of the world every winter or summer.

FLPs are considered CSUDH’s Special Session courses and range from 3–6 units, with some courses meeting general education requirements. FLPs are the most popular CSUDH short-term study abroad option and are the best option for students looking to take unique courses in amazing sites around the world. FLPs offer students who cannot participate in semester or year-long programs a valuable alternative for international study.

FLPs must consider the health, safety, and security of students. FLPs must promote measurable learning outcomes that address the learning objectives for the course as well as help students develop intercultural competence. When students gain international experience and intercultural competence it can impact their educational life and further internationalize the campus and community.

Developing Faculty-Led Programs

If you are thinking about leading a group of students abroad, please be aware that you must inform the Office of International Education of your plans regardless of the number of students involved or the duration of the program. This is a requirement of the CSU Chancellor's Office.

Every Faculty-led Study Abroad Program requires a course proposal that is approved by the department chair, college dean, Office of International Education, Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee and President or designee. Please follow the process below when creating a Faculty-led study abroad program:

  1. Review the Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Overview document.
  2. Complete the Faculty-led Program Proposal Form.
  3. Review Course Proposal Process Checklist to ensure all required steps are completed.
  4. Review Program Implementation Process Checklist to ensure all required steps are completed.

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The Office of International Education offers support for a variety of programs. For more information, please contact Ms. Ormond Rucker, Visa and Immigration International Coordinator at or (310) 243-3734.